Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time to read "The Christmas Story"

Riley and I put up the nativity scene this weekend. We had an interesting conversation while I was getting things ready that went something like this:

Riley (upon seeing the stable): "Is that my new doll house?"
Me: "No, Jesus goes in there."
Riley (looking inside): "Where is Jesus?"
Me: "I have to go up in the attic to get him."
Riley: "Jesus lives in our attic?"

And while putting up the set, our conversation went like this:

Riley: "Mom, which person is your favorite?"
Me: "I like Jesus, of course, and the little drummer boy."
Riley (pointing to the angel): "I like the fairy best. She is beautiful."

Time to teach her about the "Reason for the Season"!

Deck The Halls

Yes, the Christmas tree went up Saturday. The boys were excited to help decorate. We should have expained things better to Riley though. She got up this morning looking for her presents from Santa. Going to be a long wait!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Goofy or Geeky?

Dreaming of the Sweet Sixteen

The boys and I attended the Flyers season opener against Mount St. Marys on Saturday. New seasons are always fun. Hopes are high, wondering if this will be THE year. Praying it will. We were excited to see Chris Wright and Chris Johnson back in action along with the rest of the returning players. We were equally excited to see if the highly touted freshmen were going to live up to their hype. UD started off slow. The second half was much better than the first. They won with ease. We left knowing that these guys have a long way to go to become THE team but also knowing we will be along for the ride know matter how the season turns out. Go Flyers!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ooey, Gooey

I wonder if this is what they meant by
"An Apple A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away"?