Sunday, March 7, 2010

"The Not So Grand Finale"

So, the Flyers weren't doing as well as expected. Somewhere around the middle part of the season, they lost their way. Although almost perfect at home, they were on the losing end of way too many close games on the road. Their chances for a NCAA tournament bid were all but over. But, tonight was SENIOR NIGHT, and we just knew the Flyers would give it their all, right? Yeah, not so much.

The pre-game ceremony was great. Mickey Perry, Rob Lowery, London Warren and Marcus Johnson will be greatly missed by this Flyer family. What did you say? There is another senior graduating. Oh. I wasn't going to bring it up. But now that you did, SO LONG KURT HUELSMAN!!! How will we ever replace you with percentages like the 3 out of 10 fouls shots you made tonight? Enough said.

There is no doubt that UD has a lot of talented players, but do they all have to play within the first five minutes of every game? The boys and I have figured out the quickest way to get pulled to the bench-make a couple of shots in a row. Come on, Brian Gregory. We really try to like you but enough with the substituting. A kid with as much talent as Chris Johnson should be able to play, senior or not. The Flyer Faithful will revolt against you if all your substituting causes him to transfer.

Down by a miserable 17 points in the first half, the Flyers came out of the locker room ready to play in the second. With a few minutes left, they caught the game up two within two points. But, once again, it wasn't meant to be. They lost by 5. You know it is a sad night at UD Arena when the greatest applause is for the little girls jumping rope during the halftime show.

RIP 2009-2010 UD Basketball. For us, this team will be remembered as the team that could have and should have made "The Dance".

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