Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kings Island

We have already made two trips to Kings Island this year. All of us went for our first visit on Sunday, May 8th (Mothers Day). We spent part of the day together. Most of the time, I was in Planet Snoopy (kiddie land) with Riley, while Steve and the boys rode roller coasters. I was afraid Reed would be at an awkward size this year-not big enough for the roller coasters but way too brave to ride the kiddie rides. Fortunately, he grew quite a bit since we went to Kings Island last September. He is 49" inches-an inch taller than you need to be for many of the coasters. It is a good thing too, because he loves them! He has already rode the Racers, Flight Deck, Adventure Express, and Stunt Coaster. The Beast and the Vortex are next!

Last Sunday (May 22nd), I took Trent, Reed and Riley by myself. I was a little worried about going alone, but it turned out great. The park was really empty in the morning. The boys were able to ride several of the roller coasters twice each, and Riley and I didn't have to wait on them too long. After that, we all made our way to Planet Snoopy. There are several rides there that all the kids enjoy. We rode those together. Then Trent and Reed rode a couple of the larger rides in that area. While they were riding, I would put Riley on a couple of rides and still be back in time to meet the boys when they got off the ride.

Looking forward to many more fun days at the park this summer. Going to try out Boomerang Bay (Kings Island's water park) on Memorial Day! More pictures to follow.

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