Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Trails

Over the past month, we have been mountain biking three times. Steve, Cole, Trent and I went to MoMBA trails at Huffman Metro Park twice. Last Sunday, Steve, Trent, Reed, Riley and I went to John Bryan State Park in Yellow Springs. The trails at MoMBA are too difficult for Reed, and he really wanted to try it out. He did great at John Bryan.

Cole started mountain biking earlier this summer with his drum teacher. Steve went out a couple of times and enjoyed it too. Now, we are all hooked. I love being outdoors. Being in the woods in the Fall is even better. It is great way to get exercise and for everyone to have fun at the same time. I have a feeling it will become an activity our family will now enjoy for years to come.

Of course, Riley is too little to even try mountain biking. She and I walked the trails at John Bryan on Sunday. It was a mile into the woods to get to one of the trails, a 2 mile trail and a mile back out. I didn't realize the length of the trail before we started so I was getting a little worried that Riley wouldn't make it. She never complained once about being tired. What a trooper!

Riley and I saw a couple of deer while we were walking. The deer started to run when they saw us. Riley said, "Catch it Mom.". I told her deer were too fast for me. She said, "Too bad Cory isn't here, he knows how to catch deer." I told her Cory shot his deer. She said, "No, he didn't. I saw the picture and the deer was smiling. He wouldn't have been smiling if he got shot." I couldn't help but laugh and let her keep her innocence a little longer.

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