Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cole's Confirmation

Cole was confirmed on Thursday, April 25th at St. Christopher Church.  He asked his Grandpa Harold to be his sponsor.  Cole selected Kolbe as his confirmation name after Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

(Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish priest that was imprisoned at the concentration camp in Auschwitz.  Because of his good deeds and prayerful disposition, Kolbe was called "Jesus of Auschwitz" by his fellow prisoners.  In July of 1941, three prisoners escaped from the concentration camp.  As a deterrent for more escapes, the guards chose 10 men to be placed into an underground bunker and starved to death.  When the last man selected cried out that he was worried about his wife and children, Kolbe volunteered to take his place.  He prayed and held mass during the two weeks in the cell while the other men starved to death.  He was the last one alive.  The guards had to inject him with poison which ended his life.  Pope John Paul II canonized Maximillan Kolbe in 1982.)

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