Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Riley's Recital

Riley ended her ballet and tap class with a recital on Saturday, May 11th.  The theme of the recital was "It's a Zoo in Here".  Riley's class was elephants.  Riley wasn't too excited about being an elephant until she got a peek of the costumes a couple of weeks ago.  Once she saw the sparkled leotard, she was sold.  She was definitely the cutest elephant I have ever seen. 
Riley completely enjoyed ballet this year.  She looked forward to class every Monday evening.  I thought for sure she would want to do it again next year.  Instead, she says she wants to try gymnastics next year and beauty pageants the year after that.  Ha!  One thing I will never be is a pageant mom.  Gymnastics I can support though.  At least she won't be expecting me to teach her how to do a cartwheel.

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