Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's ALL About ME!

Riley's 6th Birthday fell on a Monday. I took the day off work to celebrate with her. Originally, the plan was to go to the water park at Kings Island. The forecast called for scattered thunderstorms so we had to improvise. Riley started the day with a surprise birthday breakfast of strawberry shortcake. We lit a candle a sang happy birthday to her. The next surprise was a birthday balloon bouquet. Then, it was off to Wal-Mart. She was set on buying a Merida wig to go with the dress and shoes that Grandma Sarah had given her for her birthday. After lunch, we took a chance with the weather and hit the Tipp City swimming pool. The threat of thunderstorms kept the crowds away. We were literally the only people in the pool when we first arrived. I made a joke that I had rented the pool out for Riley's birthday. The sun came out and the weather got warm for 2+ hours. It was a great afternoon. When the rain started to move in, we were ready to head home. When Steve got home from work, he made Riley's favorite meal-shrimp scampi. We ended the day with ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and another round of the birthday song. I enjoyed spending a sweet day with the sweetest girl I know!


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