Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat..."

On Sunday, we went on a canoe trip down the Stillwater River with some friends. The trip took about four hours from beginning to end. We had a great time laughing, splashing and taking breaks to play. Toward the end of the trip, Cole, Riley and I were in the same canoe. Riley was sitting on top of the cooler in the middle of the canoe. We were going through some small rapids and came close to the shore. A tree branch was about to hit Riley and on instict Cole reached out to grab the branch. Immediately, the canoe flipped. Luckily, the water was only about 3 feet at that point. Riley was wearing a life jacket. She went under water very briefly and bobbed right back up. She was fine but was afraid to get back in the canoe. Can't say I blame her. Daddy convinced her that he was a better driver and that his canoe wouldn't flip. She was satisfied with that answer and got in his canoe for the rest of the trip!

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