Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Garden-The Grand Finale

All in all, our first year of gardening was a success. For a while, we had more cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini than we knew what to do with. Our peppers and melons also did pretty well. Late in the summer, the plants began to die. Although it was a hot and dry summer, I don't think the heat was to blame. We watered once or twice a day. We weren't sure what went wrong. The spot of our first garden is now going to be home to our new shed. Where and what we plant next year remains to be seen. But this summer, my girl and I had fun gardening together. On most days, she would meet me at the door after work and ask to check the garden and gather "our harvest". She was so proud. Growing our own vegetables was a rewarding experience for both of us, but the thing I will remember most is the memories Riley and I grew together.


making zucchini bread

zucchini bread

first canteloupe

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