Monday, September 6, 2010


On August 17th, Cole turned thirteen. Steve and I will now be parents of at least one teenager for the next sixteen years. Wow! We did several things to celebrate Cole's birthday.

On Sunday, August 15th, Grandma and Grandma Suchland, Cory, Braeden, Rene and Tom came over for dinner. Cole picked Marion's pizza and cheesecake (which Reed proudly proclaimed was his favorite kind of cheese). At his request, Cole received money instead of a gift from his grandparents and godparents. Steve and I wanted to do something special for Cole since it was his 13th birthday. We talked about several things but settled on having Steve take him to his first concert. Cole has been asking to go to a concert for a while.

On Tuesday, August 17th, I took off work early and took Cole and Trent to The Greene to go to the movies. We also browsed in a few stores. That evening, we all celebrated Cole's birthday by having dinner at Frickers.

Steve and Cole went to see Rush at Nationwide Arena on Sunday, August 29th. They both said it was an awesome show.

Thirteen. Wow! Where does the time go? I look back at pictures of Cole as a little boy and just wish I could see him again as a newborn, at one year old, two years old and so on. I wonder if I will end up wishing I could repeat thirteen years old, and fourteen and fifteen...

Happy Birthday Cole! You made me a mom thirteen years ago and left me forever changed. When they placed you in my arms, I thought I could never love you more. But somehow, I do.

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