Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Morning

So many gifts, so little time. I will let the pictures tell the story of our Christmas morning. Needless to say, Santa did good. Cole's highlights included his electronic drum set, a desk for his bedroom and tickets to a Rush concert over Spring Break. Among other things, Trent received UD room decorations and an electric guitar. Reed listed his number one gift as his drum set. Santa brought Reed many Toy Story 3 toys as well. Riley loved her doll house, Strawberry Shortcake Cafe and Rapunzel set. The boys were also thrilled to receive Kinect for their XBox 360. All their excitement made their 4:45 a.m. wake up time not seem quite so bad. Every Christmas morning I am reminded that it is true what they say, it is better to give than receive. I love watching my kids be surprised and knowing Santa got it just right!

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