Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back to School

The Summer of 2011 went by in a whirlwind. It was filled with lots of baseball, bike riding, movie watching, trips to Boomerang Bay (at Kings Island), a week of camping and a end of summer vacation to Florida. But you know what they say, "All good things must come to an end". August 30th brought the start of another school year. This is the year our four kids are in four different schools. Cole is a freshman at Butler High School. Trent is in the 6th grade at Smith Middle School. Reed is in the 2nd grade at Murlin Heights Elementary School. Riley started preschool at Creative Learning Center after Labor Day. We are already feeling the craziness with four different registrations, open houses, picture days, bus schedules,...It is going to be an interesting year.

(Cole's school starts at 7:10 am. He leaves the house at 6:45 am. I didn't even think to get the camera out until after he was already gone.)

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