Sunday, September 25, 2011

Major League Fun

We went to the Cincinnati Reds game on Sunday, September 18th. We left a little late for the game and made it into our seats in the middle of the first inning. The Reds were already losing to the Brewers 4 to nothing. The Reds only had one run the whole game and lost 8-1. In the 2nd or 3rd inning, I got the news that Grandpa had gone to heaven. It was hard to handle, but we still tried to make the best of things. Riley drank a Mountain Dew and ate a Reese Cup and some cotton candy. She was on a SUGAR BUZZ. She cheered and danced and was more entertaining to watch than the game itself. On a funny note, every time they would play the cheer that ended with "Go Big Red", Riley would scream, "Go UD". A few times, she also yelled, "Go Bengals!" Oh well. At least she is cheering for the right teams (just not at the right times).