Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DC DAY 5-The Day We Hit The Wall

Since we were out seeing the monuments and didn’t make it back to our hotel until well after midnight the previous night, we had made a plan to take it easy this morning. We got up later than usual, had breakfast and went for a quick swim. We walked down to Crystal City Sports Pub for lunch.

After lunch, we took the metro to the Holocaust Museum. We knew that Reed and Riley were too young for the main part of this museum. Steve and Cole went through the children's area, Daniel’s Story, with them and then just waited in the large open area while Trent and I spent about an hour viewing the main exhibits. We then switched off and Steve and Cole viewed the main exhibits. The younger two were more than happy to go through Daniel’s Story again. This area is very well done. With everywhere else we visited in DC, I tried my best to explain to Reed and Riley where we were going and what we would be seeing and the significance of it ahead of time. I was pretty lost on how to explain the Holocaust in terms they could understand. Daniel’s Story did a great job of that. Afterward, we just waited in the lobby for my Steve and Cole to finish. They spent a little over an hour in the main exhibit as well. We all would have liked to have more time seeing the main exhibits, but we did what worked for us.

Following this, we took the metro back to our hotel. We had tickets to see the Marine Barracks Parade later that evening and wanted time to get everything packed and ready to go for our departure the following morning. When we made it back to the Crystal City Metro Station, we noticed a sign saying that the station would be closed beginning at 10 pm that evening for maintenance and stay closed the remainder of the weekend. We looked up the information online and found out that we would have to take a bus back to the Crystal City Metro Station from the next station down the line since the Marine Barracks Parade would be over past 10 pm. Reed and Riley were still a little tired from the previous night and really wanted to swim (again). Because we had seen so much and they had been so great all week, I gave in and we decided to skip the Marine Barracks Parade that night. We grabbed dinner and swam in the hotel pool. (On other days, I took about 50 pictures each day.  I took a total of 4 pictures this day.  I guess I was tired too. Ha!)

                                          Holocaust Museum

                                                    Riley inside the Holocaust Museum

                                         Last Ride on the Metro

                                          Last Ride on the Metro

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