Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Frosty Fun

We got a couple more inches of snow the morning of December 30th.  The kids had been under the weather the last few days with the flu.  They were feeling better today and wanted to go back outside to play.  Our original plan was to make a snow family with one snow man to represent each of us. We quickly discovered that our plan would have to change.  The snow was light and fluffy and would not pack.  We had to get some water and make the snow wet just to pack enough together for one small snowman. After multiple costume changes later, we were able to represent our family in snow!

Steve-"The Window Cleaner"

Jana-"The Beach Lover"

Cole-"The Drummer"

Trent-"The UD Fan"

Reed-"The Baseball Player"

Riley-"The Princess"

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