Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snow Much Fun!

Well, we didn't have a white Christmas, but the day after Christmas brought a blizzard to the area. We roughly received about 8 inches of snow over the course of the day. With wind gusts up to 40 mph and white out conditions, I made the decision to stay home. When the snow was winding down, Riley began to ask to go out and play. Reed was napping, so we bundled up and headed out. Because it was SO cold, we were only out about a half hour, but we had a blast.  We even made Riley's first snow man.  Ha!  I got her inside with promises to come back out after Reed was awake.

Several hours later, Reed was begging to go out but Riley was fast asleep.  Steve and I took Reed out for a while.  It wasn't long before we saw Riley looking out the back window pouting.  We bundled her back up and enjoyed the snow for a while together.  Steve even built them a snow fort.  After a mild winter last year with no snow, it was great that the kids got to experience it again.

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