Monday, March 11, 2013

Disney World-Day 4

The Magic Kingdom was the park that we were most excited to see.  They had an expansion to the Fantasyland area recently and most of it was princess themed.  There was a certain little princess in our group that was beyond thrilled to check it out.  As soon as the rope dropped, we headed right to Enchanted Tales with Belle, a Beauty and the Beast themed attraction.  This show is really cute.  Basically, kids get picked to play different roles to act out part of the movie with Belle.  Riley really wanted to be Chip, the teacup, and that is what she was chosen for.  Trent was Maurice, Belle's father, and Reed was a picture frame.

Belle and Maurice's cottage
the look on Riley's face is priceless to me
Riley playing Chip in Enchanted Tales with Belle
Trent and Belle
Reed and Belle
Riley and Belle
After Belle, we headed to the new Little Mermaid ride, only to find out it was down.  We grabbed fast passes for Winnie the Pooh and Dumbo and went in to see Mickey's Philharmagic, easily the best 4D movie in all of Disney World.  We rode Winnie the Pooh (the kids were not impressed) and the new Dumbo (Riley liked it.  The boys were starting to itch to do some bigger rides.)  Before I gave in to the boys, we stopped in to meet some characters.  There were two separate lines.  The boys all chose to meet Donald and Goofy.  Riley met Daisy and Minnie.
outside the Winnie the Pooh ride


After meeting the characters, we headed toward Tomorrowland.  We grabbed fast passes for Space Mountain.  Steve and the kids rode Stitch while I went to get fast passes to meet Mickey Mouse and the princesses.  I met back up with them and we saw the Monster Inc. Laugh Floor show which was just as funny as we all remembered.  By this time, we were hungry.  We grabbed some lunch from Casey's Corner and sat outside to eat.  

Riley eating lunch

As we were finishing up, a short parade was passing by and Reed and Riley were excited to watch that.  After lunch, we had reached the time to use our fast passes to meet Mickey and the princesses.  We all met Mickey.  Just Riley and I met the princesses while the boys shopped and watched some performers.

Sleeping Beauty

 When Riley and I were finished, we met back up with the boys and headed to Tomorrowland to use those Space Mountain fast passes.  Space was great.  We then grabbed fast passes for Buzz Light Year and went on Carousel of Progress.  We rode Buzz and headed out of Tomorrowland. 


I can't remember the exact order of things from here on out but I believe our next stop was Adventureland for a ride on the Pirates of the Carribean.  We followed this up with a couple of rides on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad which we all really enjoyed.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

It was approaching evening by this time, and we were hungry once again.  We had dinner at Columbia Harbor House and then headed for a ride on the Haunted Mansion.  After the Haunted Mansion, it was time to get seats for the Electrical Parade and Celebrate the Magic, the castle projection show.  Reed was wiped out by this time but managed to stay awake to enjoy the parade and show.  The parade was good but the castle show was what blew us away.  It was incredible!

Electrical Parade
Celebrate the Magic show
Celebrate the Magic Show

Although the park was open until 1 am, we were all ready to call it a day.  It was the Sunday of MLK weekend.  The park had been pretty crowded.  We felt like we accomplished a lot though and knew we had another 1 1/2 days in the Magic Kingdom to see what we had missed and ride our favorites again.  We headed back to the resort happy and tired.

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