Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Frosty Fun

On Wednesday, March 6th, we woke up to a blanket of white.  A late Winter snowstorm had hit the area.  We had about 4-5 inches of snow.  The kids got the day off school.  I had a two hour delay and then went into work. 
After I got home from work, I asked Reed and Riley if they wanted to go outside and play in the snow.  The weather was suppose to warm up over the next few days, and I knew the snow wouldn't last long.  It was a very wet snow-perfect for making snowmen and snowballs.  We started by building a very unique snowman. The kids got a kick out of that. We then had a snowball fight.  After a while, I went inside to make dinner.  Reed and Riley stayed out and played quite a while longer.  Although no one really wants snow in March (or ever for that matter), we made the most of it.  We had a great time!


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