Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How can it be my birthday again???

When you are a kid, you look forward to it. You hope and pray that there isn't a snow storm coming that is going to delay your party (not that that ever happened). When you are turning 39, not so much. I keep wondering how I can possibly be 39 already. I don't feel 39. Next year is going to be a tough one. I haven't really accepted that fact that I am in my thirties (don't laugh), so forty isn't going to be pretty. Steve doesn't let age bother him. There is a lesson there that I just can't seem to learn.

Despite my lack of enthusiasm about it, my birthday was nice. Since it was a Friday, I worked as usual. After work, we all went out to dinner and then to the mall. Steve took the boys to the Guitar Center while Riley and I browsed a few stores. It was then home for ice cream cake from Cold Stone. Before I blew out the candles, I stopped just a moment to think about what I would wish. Of course, there are things I want, but the things that matter most to me were surrounding me at that very minute. Maybe 39 isn't so bad after all!

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