Sunday, January 30, 2011

Birthday Bash

Saturday, January 29th was Reed's 7th Birthday. Trent will turn 11 on February 7th. We had a birthday party today for the both of them. Trent and Reed wanted a Dayton Flyers themed party and cake, and this mom was happy to oblige. Grandpa and Grandma Suchland, Braeden, Jace, Alex, Annette, Rod and Grey, and Dina, Brad and their kids attended the party. After opening presents, we had pizza for dinner followed by cake and ice cream in the evening. Trent and Reed enjoyed themselves and declared it another fun birthday. Those present even got to witness full on "Sugar Brain". You didn't think we made that up about Reed being hyper, did you? He was excited all day but the cake and ice cream pushed him over the edge. So much for us telling him that seven year olds were more grown up and mature! Oh well, he wouldn't be our Reed if he was any other way! Happy Birthday boys!

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