Saturday, April 14, 2012

Call of the Wild

I was able to get off the last couple of days of the kids' Spring Break. When I asked them where they wanted to go, Trent, Reed and Riley unanimously agreed on the Columbus Zoo. We really love it there. They have so many animals. The playgrounds and petting zoo are another favorite of the kids. The best thing about the zoo is you never know what you are going to see. When we were there in the Fall, we spent a long time watching the gorillas and monkeys. They were so active and funny that day. This time, the gorillas and monkeys weren't doing much at all. Some of the highlights of this trip were the tiger and the bears. The bears made us feel like we were watching the National Geographic Channel. We were able to watch a grizzly bear go fishing (for real) in the underwater viewing tank. After a while, both grizzlies got out of the water and put on quite a show with one another. I am not sure if they were playing or fighting, but it was so incredible to watch.

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